משלוח חינם בקנייה מעל 299 שקלים

LA Organic Cuisine Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500 ml


LA Organic Cuisine

LA Organic Cuisine is an extra virgin olive oil of extraordinary quality, produced using the Picual, White-leaved and Marteno varieties, the most valuable in Andalucia. It is one of the first organic extra virgin olive oils, specially formulated for its use in high cuisine – as in any kitchen – it is also extremely rich in polyphenols.


Extra virgin olive oil with light and balanced fruity perceptions in the nose and with a clearly sweet termination in the mouth. An excellence for all tastes and all uses in the kitchen. Comparable to a wonderful “Crianza” in the world of wine.

The composition of LA Cuisine allows for its use in frying, stews and salads for consumers of smooth oils. It is made with Picual, Hojiblanca, arbequina and Picudo varieties of olive from the best Pagos of LA Organic. It is also one of the first organic extra virgin olive oils especially thought up for use in fine restaurants – as well as for any type of kitchen.

Varieties of olives: Picudo, Picual, Hojiblanca and Arbequina .

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